Saturday, March 29, 2008

Organizing... Lets Get Busy! (My Show Bible)

I just realized its already lunch time. Here I sit at the computer on this idle Saturday afternoon intently reading news about Paris Hilton and disgruntled Tibetan Monks. When did I let the time slip through the cracks.

The good news is...

I finally made some progress on getting more organized and following up with potential clients!

I took all of my jotted-down notes and penciled in show dates and put them in my "Show Bible". I'm not sure what method others use to keep track of everything, but this seems to work out nicely for me. I purchased one of those three ring binders with the clear pockets on the front, back, and spine and turned it into my mobile office. This way if my battery is low on the laptop or for some reason MagicBase were to crash on me, I'll be able to reference upcoming shows, maps, contacts, etc. all in one place.

I also got in touch with several people I spoke with throughout the week regarding upcoming dates that they would like live entertainment for. This was great because I was able to book two shows and even made contact with a photographer who mentioned trading services for a show for her son's birthday party! This was a blessing in disguise because I've been thinking about having professional prints done for promotional materials such as a website, brochures, and business cards. She is a reputable photographer locally (and actually took my senior portraits when I was in high school).

I followed up with a client I am working for tomorrow. She thanked me for my phone call as it eased the tension she had wondering if I was going to flake or not. She expressed that she hired a clown several years ago for her kids party and the guy never showed. I hope I will gain her trust and make a better name for local entertainment than that clown did!

Well, I better sign out. Its lunch time and I need to do a run through for tomorrows show... its been a while since I've performed a kids party!

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